Abbey and SancutaryChurches, Art, History | MuseumPast and Present | LeggendsMisterys and realities |
Hidden ChurchesDiscoering incomparable beauties | Fortressesthousand years of history |
This is an ancient land that according to legend supplied Rome with laws and spouses. These facts are confirmed by historical evidences! At the time of the Creasers it was a land of villas, but now its hilltops bear witness to the early medieval fortress building boom. The Benedictine monks of Farfa were responsible for modeling the landscape into what is seen today. The square blocks of stone, the austere walls, the houses clinging like sheep around the church steeple, all speak of this Religious Institutes past glory.
The austere castles in time were transformed into tranquil but luxurious rustic mansion the offered respite from the summer heat of the Capital to the great aristocratic families of Rome.
In this ancient land there are still many historical facts and legends to uncover and memories and fantasy to relive.
a story to tell
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