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a love of story between water and flour

Fresh bread, pizza, cakes, ciambellini all'anice, and much more: a simple bakery is a fascinating place!



Pizza Fritta

Pizza Fritta

Easter Cake

Easter Cake

Ciambellini all'anice

Ciambellini all'anice

Focacce, cookies, pastries, cakes, fresh olive oil bread, brown bread, and much more, these are many of the delicious and genuine products that await you in Sabina. They are made only from traditional antique receipts passed on from one generation to the next. These are the products that appear on the tables of the inhabitants of Sabina, fresh and original with the taste of yonder years.

Bread is obtained from the fermentation, leavening and baking in an oven of the dough made with the flour of various cereals and water, following different methods and often enriched with other typical regional ingredients.  

It occupies a primary position in the Mediterranean diet, so much so that the very word can indicate either the specific food stuff or in general terms the word nourishment and not only in the physical sense! In ancient times the word was used to indicate all those foods that could be consumed with bread, proof enough that it was the basis on which all meals were based on.

In Sabine cuisine bread is a fundamental ingredient that recalls the flavors of the past, especially those breads baked in traditional wood burring ovens.

Sabine bakeries do not limit their production to bread of various kinds but also make typical local cookies, bread sticks, brown bread, milk biscuits, Bishop Bread, olive oil bread, panettoni, rosette, pan giallo, bread with olives and much more.


The Pizza di Pasqua - Easter Cake, deserves a special mention as it is a typical central Italian gastronomic tradition, especially in the province of Viterbo and Rieti. It is the main element of all Easter breakfasts in Sabina, it is similar to a Panettone - Italian Christmas Cake, but is eaten with salami and lonza, both cold cuts pork products and with Easter eggs.

It's a tasty and genuine product that house wives, in the little boroughs of the Province of Rieti still prepare following an antique method, challenging each other to see who produces the best. Despite the fact that it is made of simple ingredients like eggs, extra virgin olive oil and flour it requires much work and great care in the various phases of its production.  

The history of bread

Man's first bread was probably an unleavened loaf made from the flour of some kind of cereal worked with water and baked on hot stones.

Antic texts and archeological artifacts have confirmed that ancient Egyptians consumed bread, it was an also an important food for the Greek and Romans. The diet of these people was based on cereal cultivation. They made barley gruel, known as it was the Roman national dish from the start of their existences, they also used cereals to make soups and unleavened bread till eventually the discovered the secrets of yeast.

The first public bakery in Rome was opened in 15BC. Following the fall of Rome this simple and nourishing food was adopted by people of all continents.

In the early medieval period it was mostly prepared at home but baked in the communal oven belonging to the Lord and made from flour that had been grinded in his mill. It was during the Medieval era that bread, because of its connection to Christian rituals, became an almost sacred part of everyday life. 

Ciambellini all'anice


3 kg flour, 1/2 liter extra virgin olive oil, 50gr aniseed, 3 eggs, salt and white wine.



Put the aniseed to soak in the wine for 12 hours. Knead all the ingredients together till they become

a soft dough. Leave to rise for three hours. Roll out and cut into stripes and then form little circles and put them in the oven to bake.      


Pizza fritta


375gr of flour, 20gr yeast or sourdough, 1 glass of lukewarm water, generous doses of Sabine Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 



Prepare the dough as for the normal pizza and leave it to raise, the longer it takes the better will be the end result. Break it up into little balls and roll them out individually into 25-30 cm discs. Fry them in abundant hot extra virgin olive oil. It is important to use a generous quantity of oil as the pizza must be “swimming” in it. The frying must be very rapid, they are ready when they have a rich yellow colour with the sides being a little darker

> Visit the ancient bakery of Fara in Sabina

Where to purchase Sabina's bakery products

Forno di Fara in Sabina

Fara in Sabina

Piazza Duomo

0765 277185

Open every morning, except on Monday


Bread, pastries, Pizza



Ecofattorie Sabine

Poggio Mirteto Scalo, via Ternana, 2

+39 0765 22197

Open daily

Biological products: Cheese and Ricotta Cheese, Meat, Vegetables and Fruits, bread, honey, wine, Oil, Pasta


E...non solo Carne

Poggio Mirteto, via Matteotti, 23

+39 0765 22197


Meat (Chianina), Pasta, Cheese, Bread, Beer, Wine, Oil, Mozzarella, Honey

Questo e Quello

Poggio Mirteto

via Matteotti, 19

+39 0765 441318


Cheese, Vegetables, Fruit, Bread, Wine


Il Vecchio Forno

Poggio Mirteto

via del Lavatore, 5

0765 444083


Bakery products, Ciambelle all'anice


Il Terebinto

Casperia, via Roma 93

324 0841422

Facebook - Il Terebinto


Eggs, vegetables, Fruit, Olive, Oil, Cookies, sauces, jam


La Locanda di Frandino

Cottanello, via Collelungo, 33

+39 0746 66180


Wine, Oil, Fruit, Legumes, Vegetables Vino, Olio, frutta, legumi, ortaggi, conserve, cereali, farina, prodotti da forno


P.zza Martiri della Libertà Poggio Mirteto, RI 02047

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