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Visit the Cathedral S.M.Assunta

Open daily

8.00am-12.30am, 3.00pm - 7.00pm


Holy Mass

Weekdaysi: 7.30am - 7.00pm

Holidays: 7.30am - 10.00am - 11.30am - 7.00pm


How to reach

Poggio Mirteto

Piazza Martiri della Libertà

Outside the walls of the old medieval settlement, in 1641, work commenced on the construction of a new church, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. It was first blessed in 1684, inaugurated to religious ceremonies in 1721 and consecrated on the 3rd October 1779 by Mons. Contessini. Cardinal Luigi Lambruschini obtained permission from Pope Gregory XVI, in 1837, to move the Farfa Seminary from San Salvatore Maggiore to Poggio Mirteto and to have the town elevated to the statutes of a city. In 1841 Poggio Mirteto was created See of a Diocese and its parish church of Santa Maria Assunta became a cathedral.

In 1925 the Diocese of Poggio Mirteto was fused with the Suburbican Diocese of Sabina forming the present structure.        


an example of the Baroque style around which develops the Diocese Suburbicarian Sabina-Poggio Mirteto

the Cathedral of Poggio Mirteto

Eat in Poggio Mirteto

Terra Sabina

Osteria La Chianina


La Vecchia Tipografia

Peter Pan 2

Il Caminetto

Il Cortigiano

Accomodation in Poggio Mirteto

Terra Sabina

Villa Oria

Casaletto Country House

Castello Bonaccorsi





Poggio Mirteto's festivals

Carnevalone Poggiano

(Last Sunday before Mardi Gras)

Carnevalone Liberato

(First Sunday of Lent)

Settimana Musicale Mirtense

(24-31 May 2015)

Rassegna Cinematografica Italiana (28/06 - 18/07)

Festa di San Gaetano

(02-08 August 2015)

What to do in Poggio Mirteto

# visit the historical village of Poggio Mirteto

# visit to the market every Friday

# take a coffee in  Piazza Martiri della Libertà

# visit the churches of Poggio Mirteto

# visit the shop of Poggio Mirteto


In Poggio Mirteto: Sabina On recommends

Other churches of Poggio Mirteto

Church of San Paolo

via San Paolo

visits: +39 339 6379487


Church of San Giovanni

Piazza Mario Dottori

Open daily (8.00am - 7.00pm)


Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

P.zza Martiri della Libertà Poggio Mirteto, RI 02047

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