The Sanctuary of Vescovio is one of the most important of Sabina's monuments, it is located in an area where once used to stand the Roman Municipality of Forum Novum.
The first references to Santa Maria di Vescovio, the Cathedral of the Sabine till 1495, when the Diocesan Headquarters was moved to Magliano Sabina, date back to the VIII century. It was devastated by the Saracens in the IX century; it has since been rebuilt and restored a number of times. What the visitors sees today is a church that has preserved intact its XII century Romanic characteristics.
Of great beauty is the Torre Campanaria - the bell tower, with its five tiers of windows that was erected after the church was completed, using as masonry fragments of marble plaques and sculptures recovered on the spot.
The interior has only one nave decorated with thirteen century frescos of the school of the Roman painter Cavallini; they represent scenes of the New and Old Testaments.
Two passages, situated in the presbytery give access to the semicircular XI century crypt situated below the altar. It was built on a previous church which in its turn had been built on a Roman house.
On a little hill not far off are the remains of a convent built to house the monks supposedly looking after the church at the times of Pope Clement VIII, towards the end of the XVI century.
The Sabine historian Renzo Di Mario, in his "Ritratti Sabini" mentions the fact that St. Peter lived in Sabina for a short while, precisely at Forum Novum. According to tradition he came to testify the Words of Christ and was a guest of the Ursaci family. It is believed that he celebrated the ceremony of Fractio Panis, as the Holy Eucharistic was known in the house below where the crypt is now located.
What once was an important Roman commercial centre today presents itself under a different but equally fascinating light
the sanctuary of Vescovio: 2000 years of history
Vescovio's events
Fiera dell'artigianato
Torri in Sabina's events
Torri Rivive
(04 luglio)
The Frescoso of Sanctuary of Vescovio
The cycles of frescos painted at the beginning of the thirteenth century by masters of the school of Cavallini are very note worthy. Originally the work consisted of thirty two scenes spread along the side walls of the nave. On the right hand wall were represented scenes of the Old Testament while on the opposite walls were scenes of the New Testament. On the counter façade is a huge fresco of the Last Judgment: this cycle of paintings was much admired and copied in many churches along the length of the Tiber Valley.
The most important devotional work of art in the church is that of the Blessed Virgin over the main altar. Dating to 1611, it is painted on a wooden panel with coloured stucco. It is in imitation of a Byzantine icon but the hands of the Madonna and of Baby Jesus in the act of blessing are posed in the typical Latin gesture.
Around to Vescovio: Sabina On recommends
San Pietro a Vescovio
The legend of St. Peter in Sabina stems from a manuscript dated to 1431, known as the "Manoscritto di Cerchiara" which refers back to a lost document dating to 554 that apparently bore the Latin phrase : "Primus temporibus B Apostolus Petrus, in intimam domum Ursaciorum fundavit ecclesiam foranovianam".
How to reach
Torri in Sabina
Località Santuario di Vescovio
![]() Inside the Sanctuary |
![]() Inside the Sanctuary |
![]() Sanctuary of Vescovio |
![]() Sanctuary of Vescovio |
![]() Inside the Sanctuary |